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    UBC undergrad student, Debian Developer

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    Last term (2014W2, or Jan-Apr 2015), I had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant (henceforth abbreviated as TA) for CPSC 210: "Software Construction", which is part of UBC's CPSC software engineering stream. I've already reviewed 210 as a student in an earlier blog post; instead, this blog ...


    I took CPSC 320 and 404 this year (in 2014W2) along with a few electives, right after my second 8-month co-op stint. I actually took a lighter workload than I would usually take during regular winter sessions, in part because I was also doing a TA-ship for the first time ...


    Again, a set of long overdue reviews for a bunch of 3rd year CPSC courses that I took in 2013W2, hopefully in time for fellow students who are considering registering for these courses. Enjoy, and as always let me know if you have any feedback; comments, questions, or suggestions are ...


    This is a long overdue review for a bunch of 3rd year CPSC courses that I took in 2013W1. Better late than never, right? As it's been a lengthy 2 years since I've taken these courses, I'll probably keep these reviews a little bit shorter than some ...


    Just a heads up to any security-conscious visitors: this blog is now browsable via HTTPS! Well, I did actually have a SSL certificate installed on my VPS for a while, but I didn't bother fixing up all the HTTP-only links scattered around my blog until now (which I've ...


    For a large chunk of time over the last year, I haven't been nearly as diligent keeping up with emails, not to mention neglecting my blog for quite a while. Part of it was due to being preoccupied with my latest co-op position at a local startup, Tasktop Technologies ...


    Hi Debian! Just to briefly introduce myself, I'm Vincent (vcheng@d.o, vincent_c on OFTC/Freenode) and I'm a recent graduate of the NM process, having attained DD-ship (is that even a word?) about a month ago in January. Before that, I was a DM since mid-2012, and ...


    Pelican (the static site generator that I'm using to generate this blog) doesn't seem to generate a sitemap on its own, so I spent a bit of time today searching for a way to do so that's easily integrated with Pelican; surely someone must have already solved ...

    © 2012-2015 Vincent Cheng. Built using Pelican. Based on theme by Carey Metcalfe, available on GitHub, which is based on svbhack by Giulio Fidente, modified by telegram ssr免费节点.

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